Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I know I posted before about my qualms of having another baby and how sometimes I get nervous about how Olivia will feel not being the center of attention anymore.  These fears still plague me but I'm beginning to get more excited.  Olivia loves to say baby and point to anyone's belly which is hilarious.  She'll lift up her shirt and point to her stomach and go baby, baby!  She'll even come over to me and lift my shirt and kiss my belly or lay her head on my stomach.  It's these moments that, even though she has NO idea what she's in for, make me smile and appreciate the fact that she'll have a little sister to play with. 

I'm still so nervous about having 2 kids instead of 1 and how it's going to affect my everyday routine but I'm excited for the challenges and can't wait to see the two of them interact.  I'm also way more nervous about giving birth this time.  I don't know if it's because I know what happens now, since I've already experienced it or what but I'm terrified.  My labor wasn't even that awful last time either.  I guess we'll see what happens though.  Until then I'll relish in the times Olivia and I spend together and try to prepare her as well as I can, even though it's really difficult with a 14 month old to do that.  This baby is coming whether we like it or not.


  1. I'm so excited for you and Luke and especially Olivia! I know it'll be different - not necessarily good or bad - but I know you'll be able to handle it. I can definitely understand being scared about giving birth. Before it was this big unknown and now you know what goes down, even though it can never be the same exact thing. But keep that in mind and know you'll get through it just like you did last time. And at the end, you'll have another beautiful little girl to share with the world :)

  2. Adorable pic! The second time around tends to be faster and recovery is SO much easier. I did find the labors more painful though with each one, of course I didn't get an epidural so I knew what I was in for. It may also been because of how quickly they were born. I found the quicker the more intense. You will be fine, it should be easier time wise at least! She is going to love having a sister, trust me. Also give her time too. Expect that she may not be thrilled at first. Give her lots of attention and tell her she's your "big helper."

  3. Beautiful picture!! As soon as your little girl is born, all your labor worries will disappear! I'm sure Olivia will be a wonderful big sister and love her little sister so much! Just remember, you aren't alone and it's ok to spend one on one time with each child - still have oldest daughter dates and youngest daughter dates, along with you and Luke dates!
    I'm praying for all of you!

  4. Hi Meghan! I just found your blog. It was really great to read about how your doing! Congratulations on your growing family! Very exciting times. We are so looking forward to meeting our little one in July.
    We also bought a fixer upper house, so I know what a trying process that can be.
    Just wanted to say hi, because it's been forever.

    1. Hey! I know I was excited to find your blog and to see that you and Jason are expecting! That's so great. Hopefully you're feeling well and everything is going good!
