Sunday, October 30, 2011

Getting There

Let's start from the beginning.  When we bought our house we realized that our boiler was old...very old.  Like so old the inspector said it works but probably shouldn't.  There was a huge hole in the disinegrating tubing that lead from the boiler to the wall.  Can you say carbon monoxide poisoning?!  Needless to say with the news of winter's early arrival we asked my uncle to come check it out.  He changed the tubing and we thought we were ready for the freezing cold weather.  Then, of course, why not, our pilot light wouldn't stay lit.  Fast forward to Saturday.  We trekked through the storm to go have lunch at my parents and to pick up some fire wood to try and heat the place up. When we finally got back home we had no electricity.  How wonderful.  Not only did we not have a heater but now we could no longer use our electric space heaters which were at least keeping us from having limbs freeze off. 

Now for the reason for my post.  We decided that it would be best for Olivia if we stayed at my parents' house with some heat.  I don't know what it is but I've been having a really hard time with moving.  Even though I knew we needed to have our own life and house I was feeling homesick when we first moved in.  I do blame a lot of it on the pregnancy horomones but still feelings are feelings.  I'm doing soooo much better with it and am finally started to feel settled in our house.  As settled as I can feel with the clutter everywhere.  (I feel like we can't get organized) Today while I was showering at my parents I think I finally realized what the problem is.  (I started getting upset and homesick feeling again) I don't think I necessarilly feel homesick for my family, even though I love them to death, I think I actually miss the house.  I don't know if anyone else feels like this but I think it stems from starting our family at my parents.  This is where we brought Olivia home for the first time, where she got her first bath, where she began to grow up.  It's hard sometimes thinking that we have somewhere new.  I know this house will bring so many new memories and we'll probably eventually leave it and move to another new home where I'll feel the same way.  For now though I think I'll be ok.  It's just going to take a little more time to get adjusted.


  1. What an interesting experience to spend your 1st year living with your parents. What you're feeling is totally normal! I wrote an identical post 2 years ago (labeled under "home" called "packing"). We lived in a small older house for the first two years and were supposed to move in to our current house days after Christmas and before Andrew arrived. Andrew ended up being a month early! We brought him home to our old house and everything was in boxes/the place was a mess. The whole process was so disorganized and everyone was too busy to help with the holidays, so I was an emotional mess. The more organized/unpacked you get the easier the transition becomes.

    If you don't know where to start ask for help from family. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can just jump start everything. We donated/trashed a lot. Make daily goals, even if they are small like tackling one pile of clutter. It also helps to think about all the positives/possibilities with a new house. Hang in there, it gets better :)

  2. I haven't lived at home on a fulltime basis since high school (minus summers in college) and I still tear up every single time I leave. There truly is no place like home and that will be my home until I have a place that I can truly make mine as opposed to a rental.
    People used to tell me to "cut the chord" and I used to get upset, but now, I don't even care because I know I am fine on my own, but I just have an amazing relationship with my family and I'm lucky for that! You are blessed to be so close to your family and you will make your new house a home! Moving is hard, really hard. Good luck!!

  3. It makes me feel so much better when you both comment! You always seem to know how I'm feeling and it's nice to see others have gone through the same thing. Thanks for all your support!
